Hudson River Valley Ramble | Submit Your Event

Submit Your Event

Register your event now for the 2024 Hudson River Valley Ramble!



**NOTE: If you do not complete all the required information, including your contact information and mailing address, we cannot list your event. Questions marked "Required" must be answered in order to advance to the next page. Please use the contact information below if you have questions. **

  • Fill out the required information and click "Finish" at the end of the form.
  • Your submission was not received if you do not see a "THANK YOU" page.*
  • Please click "Next" at the bottom of each page to advance.
  • You will have the option to print out a copy of your submission form before it is submitted.
  • You may also make changes before clicking "Submit."
  • Please complete the questions that are appropriate for your type of event. 

Returning event leaders: For Step 1, you may choose your event from 2023 and update it for 2024.


Phone Number: (518) 473-3835

*The guidebook publishing deadline is July 15, 2024. Events submitted after will be featured online only.

Step 1 of 6

Existing Event

Will you be hosting the same event as you did for the last held Ramble? If so, click yes to prefill the form with event data from last time. You will then have the opportunity to edit the event information for this year. This field is required